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Farma of Rhodes: Meet the ostriches of our farm!

Rhodes Farm is one of the best attractions in Rhodes and of course there is a reason for that! It is a stunning zoo in a location that brings all visitors closer to nature.

The Rhodes Farm, this year, welcomed two more new animals already: the ostriches of the species “Rhea” originating from South America and the ostriches of the species “Emu” originating from Australia, as well as dwarf sheep “Ouessant”, originating from Britain.

Below we’ll talk about the adorable ostriches on our farm and the species we lovingly care for!

Meet “Kevin”, aka the Farmas mascot!

Kevin is a dominant male ostrich and was born in 2014. By the time he was 18 months old he had already surpassed his father in height.

Currently, he is the largest and strongest ostrich at Farmas Rhodes. Kevin is very friendly when approached with food in a calm and corresponding manner.

He is very intelligent compared to the other ostriches. When he is given corn he will carefully take it from your hand and he also knows many tricks to show with his food.

Meet the species “Emu”, the Australian ostrich:

The Emu is Australia’s largest native bird and the second largest bird in the world in height after ostriches. It has soft brown feathers and can reach 2 metres, but cannot fly. Emus can travel long distances and can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h if necessary.

“Rhea” one of the largest birds

The common Rhea is the largest of all South American birds and is related to the ostriches of Africa and the emus and cassowaries of Australia and New Guinea. It is the males who incubate the eggs and care for the young.

Rhea does not fly but its wings are used for balance. They are opportunistic. They like plants, fruits and seeds, but they also eat insects, lizards and birds.

Rhodes Farm is full of natural beauty and animals our little friends have never seen before. If you are in Rhodes or if you are planning a holiday on the island you must visit!

Children and adults alike have the opportunity to see raccoons, kangaroos, ostriches, ostriches, lemurs, ponies, camels and much more! Perfect place for more peaceful walks and of course food.

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