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You can pet them and feed them from close

Type of Food: Vegetables, Carob or Corn

You can feed this animal with vegetables, carob or corn


This animal loves petting. You can have some fun and come closer without any danger!

Meet the lovely Sheep

Lambs are domesticated animals and the most common member of the bovidae family. It is a ruminant, originated from the wild sheep mouflon of the southwestern Asia.

Sheep were domesticated around 9000 ago in Iraq. Since then they have been associated with many civilizations, mainly in England and the Mediterranean, in which they are the most common kind of livestock. The world population of sheep is estimated around one billion.

Sheep have a medium sized body covered with thick, soft and curly hair. They live for about 10 to 15 years and they eat fresh greens.

Play with the Lemurs in the Interaction Zone

Play and Interact with the Sheeps

More about

Lemurs are very cute, humanlike and very charismatic. Are a species of primate known as ‘Prosimians’ and even if are not closely related like chimpanzees and other apes they are still family. In the wild, lemurs exist only at Madagascar where they face a lot of dangers.

Modern lemurs range from 2.5 inches to 2.5 feet tall and from 30 gr to 6.8 kg in weight. Lemurs are very smart animals and of course the smarter a lemur, the more popular it is.

There are some different lemur species out there, in our Farm you will find 3 lovely ring-tailed Lemurs. Most species spend majority of their live high on the trees but ring-tailed Lemurs spend most of the time on the ground. You can recognize a ring-tailed lemur from the characteristic black rings formed on his tail.

That specie of lemur has some characteristics that make it stand out, such as the “stink fights”. Ring-tailed lemurs must compete with each other for limited resources like food, territory and mates, and competition grows especially fierce among males during breeding season.

Lemurs mature at two years and live for about 18 years, but a lot of the babies don’t live to be that old.

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