The world of camels: Fascinating facts about the desert’s gentle giants
Camels are amazing animals with a rich history. They have been around for millions of years, with fossils showing their ancestors lived in North America before migrating to Asia and Africa. Today, they survive in some of the harshest places on Earth. These gentle giants have helped humans for thousands of years by carrying goods, providing milk, and even serving as transport. But there’s more to camels than just their humps. Let’s explore some surprising facts about these incredible creatures.
Amazing facts about camels you may not know
Not just one type: There are two main types of camels: the dromedary, which has one hump, and the Bactrian, which has two. Dromedaries are common in the Middle East and Africa, while Bactrians live in colder regions like Mongolia.
Humps are not for water! Many people think camels store water in their humps. But that’s not true! The humps store fat, which camels use for energy when food is scarce.
Incredible capacity of water conservation: Camels can drink up to 40 gallons of water in one go! They also lose very little water through sweat, even in extreme heat.
Thick eyelashes and special noses: Camels have long eyelashes that keep sand out of their eyes. Also their noses have the ability to close in order to protect them from dust storms.

Soft feet: Unlike horses, camels have wide, padded feet. This helps them walk easily on sand without sinking.
They are very fast! You may think that camels are slow walkers, but that’s far from true! They can run up to 40 miles per hour for short distances.
Surprising diet: Camels eat tough desert plants, including thorny bushes. Their thick lips help them chew without getting injured.
They produce milk: Camel milk is rich in nutrients. It has more vitamins than cow’s milk and is lower in fat.
A unique way of cooling down: Camels’ body temperature can change throughout the day. This helps them stay cool without sweating too much.
They are loyal and social creatures: Camels are friendly animals. They form strong bonds with their herders and other camels.
Visit camels up close!
Now that you know more about camels, wouldn’t it be fun to meet one? At Farma of Rhodes, you can see these amazing creatures from close! In our small petting zoo there are some friendly camels waiting to greet you. You can even feed and learn more about them. Plan your visit today and enjoy a fun, educational experience you will never forget!