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Miniature Zebu

Small but mighty!

Type of Food: Carob + Vegetables

You can feed this animal with carob and vegetables.


This animal loves petting. You can have some fun and come closer without any danger!

Meet our miniature zebus!

Miniature zebus (also known as Nadudana) are the only naturally tiny breed of cattle. They belong to the species Bos indicus and the name 'Nadudana' means 'small cattle' in Hindi as the breed was originally discovered in southern India. Because of this tropical origin, miniature zebu can survive high temperatures and hot climates with ease. It is said that these cattle were historically raised in temples due to their small size.

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More about
Miniature Zebu

Miniature zebus (also known as Nadudana) are the only naturally tiny breed of cattle. They belong to the species Bos indicus and the name ‘Nadudana’ means ‘small cattle’ in Hindi as the breed was originally discovered in southern India. Because of this tropical origin, miniature zebu can survive high temperatures and hot climates with ease. It is said that these cattle were historically raised in temples due to their small size.

Miniature zebus are intelligent, obedient, sociable, and gentle creatures. They can coexist easily with other animals and get along very well with children.

This is a very rare and endangered species. Because of this rarity, you can usually find them in farms and zoos. At Farma of Rhodes, you will have the opportunity to see our adorable miniature zebus up close and interact with them in a special experience close to the animals!

More about miniature zebu

Their most notable feature is their small size, ranging from 90 to 107 cm. Mostly, they are gray, but they can also be black, red, or white. Mostly, they are gray, but they can also be black, red, or white.

These animals are slow to mature, but have a very long lifespan, averaging from 18 to 21 years. It is also said that they have a very high disease resistance, while the keep producing milk even at an old age.

Miniature zebus have been used in many ways by humans: they are bred for their meat, milk, or skin in different parts of the world.

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